Ways to Donate
We have three key ways to donate to MARS
Through the SHOUT donation platform (TD)
Making a Direct Bank Transfer (NTD)
Collecting Refundable Drink Containers and giving them through Return and Earn NSW (NTD)
(TD) - Tax Deductible
(NTD) - Non Tax Deductible)

1. SHOUT Online
Tax deductible donations can be made through our Fundraising page on the Shout for Good platform.
These funds are auspiced to us through the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association.
This is the registered charity you give to, and they make the funds available for our work.

2. Direct Bank Transfer
You can make a direct bank transfer to MARS-LM This method is not tax deductible.
Our Bank account with "The Great Southern Bank", the key details are:
BSB: 814282
Account No: 51806625
Account Name: MARS-LM

3. Refundable Drink Containers
Support us with your 10c refundable drink containers through Return and Earn in NSW.
Find us under Charities on your Return and Earn app, and select us as your preferred payout.
Search for Mountains Anglican Refugee Support -Lower Mountains.
Register for Return and Earn and Download the App.